He was a renowned General medical practitioner in and arround chidambaram. He was B C Roy Awardee.
Dr Radhakrishnan ‘s Kannan nursing home is a fully established orthopeadic and general surgical hospital located in the heart of Chidambaram town.
Its a 60 year old hospital , offering high quality care with great respect for patient needs.
Our hospital has achieved remarkable and consistent results in Cancer surgeries ,Breast surgeries , Thyroid, Trauma surgeries, Spine Surgeries, Brain Surgeries,Hepato- biliary (Liver, Gall bladder, Bile Duct ) Pancreas, Paediatric and all general surgeries.
General Surgeries
20000+ Successful general surgeries
3000+ Successful Laparascopic surgeries
2000+ Successful Endoscopies done
1000+ Successful Colonoscopies done
We diagnose and treat injuries caused by sports and physical activities.
We are here to help you manage conditions that usually get worse over time ,like Arthritis or Osteoporosis.
We help you to avoid pain and discomfort from using a muscle or joint too often.
Our Orthopaedic surgeon specializes in
1.Trauma Surgeries
2.Spine Surgeries
3.Replacement Surgeries
4.Minimal invasive surgeries
6.Paediatric Orthopedic surgery
7.Orthopaedic Onco surgery
Also our doctor will most likely recommend non - surgical treatments like
Physical therapy
Medications/ Injections
Lifestyle Change
And in most cases , Surgery is a last resort.